people never plan to commit manslaughter, though they may plan to make it look like manslaughter 意味

  • 人は故殺の罪を犯そうとはしないが故殺のように見せかけようとするかもしれない.


        manslaughter:     manslaughter n. 〔法律〕 故殺, 故殺罪 《事前の殺意なくして不法に人を殺害した罪》; 殺人. 【動詞+】 People never plan to commit manslaughter, though they may plan to make it look like manslaughter. 人は故殺の罪を犯そうとはしないが故殺のように見せかけようとする
        banishment for manslaughter:    殺人罪{さつじんざい}での流刑{りゅうけい}
        charge of manslaughter:    (業務上{ぎょうむじょう})過失致死{かしつ ちし}の容疑{ようぎ}
        convict of manslaughter:    過失致死罪{かしつ ちしざい}で有罪{ゆうざい}とする
        felonious manslaughter:    重故殺
        guilty of manslaughter:    《be ~》故殺{こさつ}を犯す
        involuntary manslaughter:    involuntary manslaughter 過失致死罪 かしつちしざい 過失致死 かしつちし
        manslaughter charge:    故殺罪{こさつざい}
        manslaughter conviction:    故殺{こさつ}[過失致死{かしつ ちし}](罪)の有罪判決{ゆうざい はんけつ}
        manslaughter investigation:    過失致死{かしつ ちし}での捜査{そうさ}
        manslaughter sentence:    過失致死罪{かしつ ちしざい}の判決{はんけつ}
        multiple manslaughter:    (多重{たじゅう})過失致死罪{かしつ ちしざい}◆複数の犠牲者を過失により致死させた罪 A driver of a truck in which immigrants died was jailed for 14 years for multiple manslaughter. 移民たちが中で死亡したトラックのドライバーは多重過失致死罪により14年の禁固刑を受けた
        vehicular manslaughter:    自動車運転業務上過失致死傷罪{じどうしゃ うんてん ぎょうむ じょう かしつ ちししょう ざい}
        voluntary manslaughter:    故殺{こさつ}
        make a plan:    計略を巡らす、手筈{てはず}を整える、設計する、予定を立てる、計画{けいかく}を練る


  1. "people moving in and out of a store" 意味
  2. "people named below" 意味
  3. "people native to the region" 意味
  4. "people near your age" 意味
  5. "people never learned" 意味
  6. "people next door" 意味
  7. "people next door to you" 意味
  8. "people not involved in romance" 意味
  9. "people not ordinarily interested in baseball" 意味
  10. "people near your age" 意味
  11. "people never learned" 意味
  12. "people next door" 意味
  13. "people next door to you" 意味

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